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How to Keep Screen Door from Slamming

August 10, 2022

How to Keep Screen Door from Slamming (8 Suggestions)

A slamming screen door is a common occurrence, especially during the summer months when windows in the home are open, causing crosswinds to affect the air pressure, which results in a more severe slamming. This noise can be quite a nuisance, and it can startle pets, young children, or anyone who is alarmed by sudden loud noises. It can even become disruptive to daily life if you have someone in the home who works shifts and needs to sleep during the day or a baby napping because the slamming screen door can wake them up.

Colors that Go with Pink and Purple

November 19, 2023

Colors that Go with Pink and Purple (4 Great Combinations)

Pink and purple are widely considered feminine colors, so you will typically see them being used together in female-dominated spaces such as girls’ bedrooms, dressing rooms, and powder rooms. Here we look at a number of colors that go with pink and purple for use in interior design.

Colors that Go with Orange and Blue

November 19, 2023

Colors that Go with Orange and Blue (5 Great Combinations)

In home decor, blue is commonly chosen as a wall paint color because it has the effect of creating a relaxing and tranquil environment, while orange is a lesser-used color since it can come across as brash. However, the opposing qualities that blue and orange offer mean that they can create a sense of balance in interior design.

How to Dress a Window Without Curtains

February 3, 2024

How to Dress a Window Without Curtains

Here we look at the pros and cons of having curtains installed, along with a number of alternative ways to dress a window without curtains. Here are 7 quick recommendations. 

How Long Does Carpet Installation Take?

January 18, 2024

How Long Does Carpet Installation Take?

And depending on whether you want furniture and floor removal, how big your project size is, the type of carpet you choose, and how many installation crews you need, it can take from 1 day to several days to finish.

Do Curtains Always Come in Pairs?

February 2, 2024

Do Curtains Always Come in Pairs?

Shopping for curtains can be confusing because sometimes they are sold in pairs, and sometimes they are sold as panels. You’ll need to be able to differentiate between the way curtains are sold in order to make sure you don’t make any costly mistakes and order more curtains than you need or fewer curtains than you need.

Desirable Paint Colors that Go with Oak Wood Trim

July 9, 2022

7 Desirable Paint Colors that Go with Oak Wood Trim

If you’re looking to remodel your home’s interior and like the idea of using oak wood accents, you’ll need to think of what paint colors go with oak wood trim. There are many colors you can use to bring out the beauty of your wood trim, no matter what stain color the wood itself is. Whether your oak wood trim is light or dark, you can pair it with bold or neutral hues to highlight the undertone of the wood.

What Color to Paint Inside of the Front Door

February 3, 2024

What Color to Paint Inside of the Front Door?

Choosing the paint color for your front door can be a complex task. There is so much to think about, for example, whether the front door color will match the siding, whether it will clash with the neighbor’s house, or whether it will come across as too boring or too bold.

How To Fix A Cracked Door

August 10, 2022

How To Fix A Cracked Door

A cracked door, whether it be an interior or exterior door, is a problem for a number of reasons. Serious cracks can weaken the structural integrity of the door, while more minor cracks can lower the energy efficiency of the home, as well as look unattractive.

Sill Plate Replacement Cost

July 13, 2022

Sill Plate Replacement Cost – What You Need to Know

The cost of sill plate replacement, on average, is about $100 per linear foot with the total cost being from $10,000 to $30,000.

Rosewater Color

November 19, 2023

What Color is Rosewater? Colors that Go with Rosewater

Rosewater is a popular undertone of pink with a mix of soft pink, white and red. It is rumored to have its origin in royalty and is now used a lot in clothing and home decor. Keep reading to learn in-depth about this color.

Serenity Color

November 16, 2023

What Color is Serenity? Colors that Pair with Serenity

Looking for a calm and peaceful color tone for your home project, serenity color should be one of your top lists. Keep reading for further details on what this color is, what it means, and how to use it.