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January 19, 2024
Cerise is a shade of pink that can have undertones of red or purple to give it a more complex color. Compared with other shades of pink, cerise falls on the warmer side of the color spectrum due to the obvious presence of red. Here we explore everything you need to know about the color cerise.
January 10, 2024
Loden is a shade of green that has been around for centuries, based on the fabric worn by peasants in Austria, however, it is a shade that has recently become increasingly popular in fashion and home decor. Here we explore everything you need to know about loden green.
January 4, 2024
A rug adds style and comfort to any room, but dining rooms in particular can benefit from the addition of a rug in both practical and aesthetic terms. If your dining room has a hard floor surface, then a rug can soften the sound of chairs moving when people position themselves at the dining table. A rug can also serve as a protective surface to avoid scuffs and scratches from damaging the floor.
December 30, 2023
Makeup vanity tables are the perfect place to store makeup, face creams, and hair products, and they also provide a dedicated area to use these items every day. Makeup vanities are also known as dressing tables or desks, and they come in a range of sizes to suit the differing needs of the user.
December 29, 2023
Cedar is a really great choice of wood for siding because it has a lot of properties that make it ideally suited to exposure to the outdoors. However, cedar is a somewhat intense color that can be tricky to coordinate with. Here we explore some of the best exterior home colors that go with cedar siding.
December 20, 2023
The size of a floor lamp is something that will impact the balance of lighting in a space, as well as the overall style and aesthetic. Floor lamps come in a range of sizes, and can be paired with lampshades in varying dimensions.
December 15, 2023
A backsplash is a protective and decorative element installed on the walls above a countertop, typically in kitchens and bathrooms. Its primary purpose is to prevent water, liquids, and other substances from splashing onto the walls and causing damage or staining. Backsplashes come in various materials, styles, and designs, serving both functional and aesthetic roles in interior design. When installing a backsplash a common question that arises is whether or not you should install a backsplash around the sides of a sink.
May 15, 2024
Colors can have a psychological and physiological impact on your mood and energy levels, which can affect how awake and alert you feel. While individual responses to colors can vary, some colors are generally associated with helping people feel more awake and energized. Here we explore some of the best colors and color combinations to help wake you up.
White walls provide a neutral backdrop that allows for seemingly endless possibilities for trim and interior door color. White walls can be considered a blank slate, so the interior door color you choose is going to significantly impact the overall aesthetic and atmosphere of a room.
November 29, 2023
Vermilion is a bright red-orange color. It is often described as a vivid, reddish-orange hue and is commonly used in art and home decor to create bold designs. The color gets its name from the mineral cinnabar, which was historically used to produce the pigment vermilion. Here we explore the characteristics of the color vermilion and look at how it can be used for the best effect in interior design.
November 17, 2023
The standard height for vanity lights that are installed on the wall over the top of a mirror is between 75 and 80 inches from the floor. This takes into account the standard height for vanity units and vanity mirrors. For wall sconces that are positioned beside mirrors over a vanity unit, the recommended height is around 64 inches from the floor.
November 13, 2023
Proper bathroom storage is essential to ensure your bathroom looks clean and uncluttered at all times. By installing a range of storage options in your bathroom or washroom, you create places for towels, toilet paper, shampoos, lotions, and toothbrushes to be stored.