
Explore popular colors that are used in home decor and ways to pair colors together with our in-depth ideas and tips

What Colors Make Gold
| Updated September 1, 2023 | Published May 26, 2023

You can make gold by using the three primary colors in varying proportions, or you can make gold by mixing yellow with a small amount of brown. Here we explore the different ways to make gold in more detail, and learn more about this prestigious color.

Primary Colors

Having an understanding of primary colors can benefit anyone working in design or anyone who is transforming the decor in their home. Here we explore primary colors, the history of their paint pigments, and how to use them in home decor.

What color make orange
| Updated May 23, 2023 | Published May 23, 2023

In order to create orange paint, the colors which need to be mixed together are yellow and red. To achieve a balanced, true orange color, the proportions of red and yellow should be even, so one part red to one part yellow.

What is color hue

 Fortunately, hue is not a complex term; in fact, this word simply means ‘color.’ Here we expand on the term ‘hue’ and take a closer look at how it is used to describe home decor, along with other words you have likely stumbled upon in relation to hue.

Darkness color
| Updated May 23, 2023 | Published May 23, 2023

When most of us think about darkness, the color that springs to mind is black. While black is regarded as the ultimate dark color in interior design, it is not the only color that can represent darkness. There are many variations of dark colors that can work well to create a dim or shadowy atmosphere.

Color spectrum
| Updated May 23, 2023 | Published May 23, 2023

Having an appreciation for the color spectrum and how this can affect color perception is really useful in interior design, since color theory and being able to put different colors together in an appealing way is a key element of creating spaces that people want to spend time in. Here we take a closer look at the color spectrum and how it can be used to the advantage of interior designers.

Secondary colors
| Updated May 23, 2023 | Published May 23, 2023

Secondary colors are formed by mixing primary colors, and they can work well as both main colors and accent colors in interior design. The three secondary colors are green, purple, and orange, and these can be mixed with primary colors to create tertiary colors.

Cool colors
| Updated May 15, 2023 | Published May 13, 2023

Cool colors are enormously popular in home decor because they create an energy in a room that feels fresh, invigorating, soothing, and clean.

What colors make black
| Updated May 7, 2023 | Published May 7, 2023

If you want to create a black paint without buying a pre-mixed black, you can do so by mixing equal amounts of blue, yellow, and red.

What color do red and green make
| Updated May 29, 2023 | Published April 27, 2023

Red and green, when mixed can make brown or a warm shade of black, depending on the proportions you use. Since green is a secondary color that is made from mixing the primary colors blue and yellow, when you’re mixing red and green, you’re actually mixing a combination of red, blue, and yellow.

What color do green and blue make

When mixed together in balanced proportions, green and blue make green-blue, which is a color similar to turquoise or teal. The color you get when mixing green and blue more closely resembles a shade of blue than a shade of green, because green itself is made up of 50% blue.

Colors that Go with Blue and Gray
| Updated November 19, 2023 | Published December 27, 2022

Blue and gray are well-favored colors in the interior design world, and they have been dominating home color palettes for the last 15 years. These are both cool colors that can read as neutrals, making them easy to live with while creating a modern look.