What Color is Rose Red? Colors that Go with Rose Red

What is Rose Red?

Rose red is a shade of red that sits between red and pink on the color wheel. It can sometimes be interpreted as a dark shade of pink, but it is closer to red than pink and is therefore categorized as a red color.

Rose red is softer than most other shades of red yet darker than most other shades of pink. Some reds have orange undertones, whereas rose red has a blue base that gives it a slightly cooler tone.

What Does Rose Red Mean?

Rose red is named after the typical color of roses, and the term was first used to describe a color as far back as the 14th century. Red is a color that is generally associated with love, and rose red, in particular, is seen as a romantic shade because of the links between roses and Valentine’s Day.

Rose red is a color you will see a lot around the lead-up to valentine’s day, with balloons, cards, gifts, and bouquets of flowers all being marketed at the Valentine’s market.

The association of rose red with romance means that this color is also a popular shade of lingerie, where it bridges the gap between romantic red and sexy red.

Red, in general, is also seen as a color to depict violence and rage, but rose red does not share these same connotations since it is a less intense shade of red. Instead, it has a more lighthearted feel that leans towards femininity.

Similar Colors to Rose Red

Candy Red

Candy Red

Like rose red, candy red is a less intense shade of red, but this is a color that has orange undertones rather than blue undertones. This gives it a distinctly warm feel compared with rose red which verges more towards a cool temperature. Candy red will create a stark contrast with shades of blue, while rose red will find blue colors to be more complimentary.

If you want a cheerful, uplifting shade of red that promotes creativity, then candy red should be your go-to shade. For a more feminine shade of red with a slightly sultry personality, rose red would be the better option.

Ruby Red

Ruby Red

Ruby red is probably the closest color to rose red that you can get. Like rose red, ruby red is a dark pink shade of red that has a blue base, but it is even darker than rose red, which means it is closer on the color wheel to red than rose red is.

Rose red contains a higher level of pink hues compared to ruby red, which only has a slight pink tone. Since these colors both have similar tones, they can be used interchangeably in interior design and will both work well with the same accent shades.

Scarlet Red

Scarlet Red

Scarlet is a bold and bright shade of red that has a very slight orange tinge, which gives this color a warmer temperature. It has a similar saturation level to rose red but sits on the opposite side of red on the color wheel, placing it in a position that is closer to orange rather than pink.

Scarlet red can be used for a more striking and intense effect, while rose red is the softer color of the two which will be easier for most people to live with.

How to Use Rose Red in Interior Decor

Create atmosphere

Rose red can be used as a wall color in a room where you want to achieve a distinctive atmosphere. This is a color that does not lack personality, so you can be sure to make a memorable impression when you paint all of the walls in a room in a shade of rose red. Small rooms are great for experimenting with bold colors, such as a bathroom or hallway.

These compact areas hold up well with brighter or darker colors because there is minimal wall space, and as a result, you typically won’t feel like the color is weighing the room down or making it feel too overstimulating. The other benefit of choosing a small room for a bold color is that it won’t take long to paint over it if you decide that it was the wrong color choice.

Accent wall

Accent wall

Since rose red is undeniably a strong color choice, it can work really well as a painted accent wall to add personality or create a theme in a bland room. Keep the remaining walls neutral to allow the rose red wall to stand out and also so that the space doesn’t become overwhelmed with color.

Tie in the accent wall by using small splashes of rose red around the room, for example, rose red cushions on the sofa or a rose red vase on the coffee table.

This is a look that would work well in a bedroom to create a grown-up feminine look or try it out in a finished basement or recreation room to achieve a warm space that feels cozy and comforting.

Painted furniture

Rose red is a color that can be off-putting when it covers a large amount of space because it is intense and can be hard work for the eyes to adjust to, creating fatigue and a sense of discomfort.

Instead, use rose red in smaller doses in interior decor to appreciate the beauty of it to a greater degree. Painted furniture in rose red will look quirky and unusual, giving a room a unique style. In a dining room with mint green walls, paint dining chairs in rose red for a bold contrast that isn’t too harsh.

Colors that Go with Rose Red


Lilac Rose Red

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Rose Red #9f0b02 cmyk(0%, 93%, 99%, 38%) rgb(159, 11, 2)  
Lilac #bb67b4 cmyk(0%, 45%, 4%, 27%) rgb(187, 103, 180)  

Lilac is a color that will create a sense of harmony with rose red because it shares a lot of the same tones but is more diluted. Rose red is made up of red with a hint of blue and white, whereas lilac is achieved using equal amounts of blue and red, then diluted heavily with white.

This means that rose red can work as analogous color to lilac, which will complement each other well for a look that feels balanced and not jarring at all.

If you prefer to avoid contrasting looks, then use lilac alongside rose red for a feminine appeal. A rose red feature wall with a lilac sofa in front of it will look appealing and harmonious, and the lilac will help to draw out the pink tones in the rose red t give it a more feminine style.


Beige Rose Red

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Rose Red #9f0b02 cmyk(0%, 93%, 99%, 38%) rgb(159, 11, 2)  
Beige #d2c8bb cmyk(0%, 5%, 11%, 18%) rgb(210, 200, 187)  

As a warm neutral, beige is a really great color choice to pair with if you want to ensure a rose red room doesn’t feel too stimulating. By using beige accessories or soft decor items with rose red, you will allow the red color to shine as the focal point of the room while also helping to maintain a sense of balance.

Beige has warm tones, which will also level out the cool blue hues in rose red for a room that feels neither too warm nor too cool. In a room with rose red walls, opt for beige curtains and beige carpets.

A paler shade of beige will help to reflect light and make the space feel more casual and airier, while a darker shade of beige will bring a cozier feel to a rose red room.


Gold rose red

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Rose Red #9f0b02 cmyk(0%, 93%, 99%, 38%) rgb(159, 11, 2)  
Gold #f0e6b5 cmyk(0%, 4%, 25%, 6%) rgb(240, 230, 181)  

Red is a color that is associated with royalty, and it can look very regal in some settings. Since rose red has pink hues, you can use it in a glamorous style room to create a sense of luxury with a modern twist.

This is best achieved with gold as an accent color, which will instantly lift a rose red space and give it dazzling flecks of allure.


White Rose Red

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Rose Red #9f0b02 cmyk(0%, 93%, 99%, 38%) rgb(159, 11, 2)  
White #ffffff cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) rgb(255, 255, 255)  

If you want your rose red walls to feel crisp and clean, then your trim needs to be painted in pure white. This will allow your rose red shade to look neat and sharp without creating a contrast that could result in a jarring effect.

If you have a white room that you want to add personality to, then rose red cushions and a rose red rug will instantly transform a blank canvas into a more lively and interesting space.

Dark green

Dark green Red Rose

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Rose Red #9f0b02 cmyk(0%, 93%, 99%, 38%) rgb(159, 11, 2)  
Dark Green #1b5e4c cmyk(71%, 0%, 19%, 63%) rgb(27, 94, 76)  

Green and red are contrasting colors because they face directly opposite each other on the color wheel. A true shade of green and a true shade of red will make for a very startling contrast that won’t appeal to most people. However, since rose red has pink hues, it won’t contrast as intensely with green.

Further to this, by using a dark shade of green color scheme, the contrast will become even more muted. Use dark green and red as your two base colors in a room where you want to create a festive look or in an antique-style space with gold or brass ornaments to achieve a heritage style.