16 Colors That Go Well with Beige

Beige has a somewhat negative reputation for being a bland and boring color; however, this underrated shade has a lot to offer. It is a shade that works well in rooms of any size, and it will work with any style or theme of decor.

Beige is one of the most versatile colors in interior design because it will not look out of place in any area of the home. It can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, dining rooms, and living rooms, and it is also great on any surface.

You can use beige for wall paint, trim, exterior paint, sofa fabrics, carpets, countertops, cabinets, and even ceilings. Beige is so adaptable that it is almost impossible to go wrong with this color.

Beige goes greatly with white, blue, brown, gray, red, and so many other colors. Keep reading to learn how to pair beige with these colors.

Beige in Interior Decor

Beige in Interior Decor

Beige is thought of as a neutral color because it lacks any obvious color compared to the likes of blue, red, green, or purple. However, beige is not technically a neutral color because it falls on the warm side of the spectrum in terms of color temperature. Beige is usually achieved by mixing a large proportion of white with a small hint of yellow, orange, or brown.

In some cases, dark shades of beige can hover between beige and brown. Since beige is a warm color, it is known for being able to create a welcoming and comfortable feel in home decor, which is, of course, how many people want to feel when they are at home.

Beige was extremely popular in the early 2000s due to its many appealing qualities, but in recent years it has lost its trendy status in favor of the more sleek and modern gray. Interestingly, beige is once again growing in demand as a color used in interior design, as people become tired of the cold energy gray can give off. Consider beige for one of the following reasons:


One of the reasons so many people choose beige as a backdrop for their interior design is that it is so versatile. You can use beige in almost any style or theme of decor, such as coastal, traditional, boho, mid-century modern, minimalist, or vintage.

Beige doesn’t have a strong personality, which is why some people may find it dull, but the fact that it lacks personality is actually what makes it so versatile. You can use almost any other color with beige and encourage it to take on a different feel.

Future proof

Beige is a color that works in almost any setting, with any style, and with any other color. This makes beige the ideal color choice if you like to switch up your style fairly frequently or you suspect you may want to change the use or theme of your room in the future. Beige is also a color that never goes out of style because it is so neutral, which makes it the ideal color choice to stand the test of time.

If you paint your living room beige and choose a beige sofa, then the potential style ideas to create are limitless. You could opt for a coastal look and use blue striped curtains along with blue lamp shades and blue cushions, or choose a vintage country style with lemon and lavender floral print curtains and a lavender rug.

You could even go minimalist and choose a glass coffee table and glass side tables. Put simply, using beige for the main components of your home means you can keep your options open for the future. If you were to buy a bright red sofa, then the types of color palettes and styles you can use in your living room are going to be defined to an extent by the red sofa. By comparison, if you buy a beige sofa then you can guarantee it is going to work with any style or colors you want to use with it in the future, thereby making it future-proof.

Comforting atmosphere

Comforting atmostphere

Beige is thought of as neutral because it lacks color and personality; however, beige is a warm shade because of the presence of brown. In some cases, beige can be so dark that it reads as a pale brown, while in other instances, beige can come across as a warm off-white. The warm temperature of this color means that it creates a warm, welcoming, and comforting atmosphere when used in home decor.

Even if you opt for a very light shade of beige as a wall paint color, the warmth will still come through and prevent a space from feeling cold or hostile while still allowing it to feel light and airy. Use beige in rooms where you want to feel safe and cozy, such as a living room or bedroom, or in common areas of the home to ensure guests feel welcomed.

White + Beige

White and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
White #ffffff cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) rgb(255, 255, 255)  

Beige and white are a classic combination. Even though both colors are neutral colors, the two shades can create a little bit of contrast when paired with each other. The result is an elegant finish with a clean and airy look.

This color combination is often used in living rooms because they make the room look more relaxing and spacious. You can also use it in bedrooms because it brings a cozy feel to the room.

If you intend to use this color combination on the house exterior, they match perfectly well. See the photo with a beige house and white trim below.

Beige House and White Trim

Green + Beige

Green and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Green #889a84 cmyk(12%, 0%, 14%, 40%) rgb(136, 154, 132)  

Another color that pairs well with beige is green. As you know, both shades are found in nature, and these two colors are often combined to create a fresh and comfortable atmosphere. Plus, this color combination can make any room look modern and spacious.

Beige can work with different shades of green, including forest, olive, and dark green. Oftentimes, this color combination is used in living rooms and bedrooms because of the comfortable and cozy environment it creates. Also, you can use it as a bathroom motif to make the small room appear more spacious.

Blue + Beige

Blue and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Blue #8bb3b7 cmyk(24%, 2%, 0%, 28%) rgb(139, 179, 183)  

Another color combination seen in nature is beige and blue. To be specific, these colors remind us of the sea and the sand. As such, this pair brings a beach vibe to a living room, especially if you add some accent colors from decorative pieces, like seashells.

Additionally, this color combination can also make any room feel cozy and inviting, making it an excellent motif for your bedroom.

Aside from that, beige and blue can visually enlarge a room. As such, you can use this color combination on small-spaced bathrooms and narrow corridors.

If you’re feeling bold, you can also pair beige with a bright and striking shade of blue, like cobalt and royal blue. This color combination can add a little bit of personality to a simple room.

Purple + Beige

Purple and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Purple #493550 cmyk(9%, 34%, 0%, 69%) rgb(73, 53, 80)  

Purple is a daring shade, and it should be used with great care. To be specific, this bold tone must be diluted with a neutral color to make it appealing and elegant.

The good news is that purple can work well with beige. When paired together, the result is a contemporary room with a touch of sophistication. For this reason, this color combination is often used for living rooms, but you can also use it for bedrooms.

Turquoise + Beige

Turquoise and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Turtoise #93ccb9 cmyk(28%, 0%, 9%, 20%) rgb(147, 204, 185)  

For a retro-themed interior, you can pair beige with turquoise. When paired together, these two colors can result in a sophisticated and flawless look.

For example, you can place beige furnishing on a room with a turquoise wall. You can also add a touch of mint or lavender to add a little bit of style and personality to the room.

When using bright colors, like turquoise, restraint is imperative to avoid making the room overdramatic. A neutral tone, such as beige, is necessary to create balance. Plus, this color combination can lead to a delicate and contemporary interior.

Orange + Beige

Orange and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Orange #ed7527 cmyk(0%, 51%, 84%, 7%) rgb(237, 117, 39)  

If you’re working with heavy neutrals, adding a bold color, like orange, can make the room look vibrant. Plus, orange can spice up a beige room, making it feel more warm, inviting, and cozy.

If you have beige walls, you can place orange curtains to brighten the walls. Using orange accent pieces, such as a vase or throw pillows, is another great way to add life to a gloomy room.

Brown + Beige

Brown and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Brown #794a3d cmyk(0%, 39%, 50%, 53%) rgb(121, 74, 61)  

Accessible Beige (neutral beige with a gray undertone) paired with dark brown delivers a cozy and relaxing effect, especially when used in a living room, dining room, bedroom, or corridor. Remember, beige is a soothing color, while brown provides some warmth. When paired together, the two colors create a homey and inviting atmosphere.

To use this color combination, you can paint your walls and ceiling with beige. From there, you can add wooden planks on the wall to give the room a tasteful and exquisite look. Another great way to use this color combination is by placing brown furniture in a room with beige-colored walls.

Here you can see in the photo the beige-gray wall matches well with the wooden brown color of the furniture and flooring, creating a warm and cozy feel.

Light Pink + Beige

Light Pink and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Light Pink #e3b1a8 cmyk(0%, 22%, 26%, 11%) rgb(227, 177, 168)  

Beige and light or pastel pink is a great color combination to use if you want to make a room look soft and feminine. Ideally, this pair works well for a girl’s bedroom or nursery because it produces a soothing effect. Plus, pastel or light pink is an uplifting color, and it can add life to a dull room.

Keep in mind that this color combination is not recommended for the kitchen or dining area. The reason is that these colors are associated with sweets or desserts.

As such, people won’t be able to focus on their meals because they’re imagining cakes, muffins, and donuts. For kitchens and dining rooms, it is best to go for colors like blue, red, yellow, and gray.

Gray + Beige

Gray and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Gray #b8b8b9 cmyk(1%, 1%, 0%, 27%) rgb(184, 184, 185)  

Even though beige and gray are both neutral, the pairing of these two colors is not dull or gloomy. In fact, this color combination creates a classy and homey environment, so you can use it as a theme for a kitchen and living room.

Additionally, it can also produce a soothing and calming effect, making it a great motif for bedrooms. This color combination is also great for a nursery because it is gender-neutral.

To make a room with beige wall paint look modern, you can add gray accent pieces like rugs and throw pillows. You can also place gray curtains with patterns for a more stylish look.

Yellow + Beige

Yellow and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Yellow #fae08a cmyk(0%, 10%, 45%, 2%) rgb(250, 224, 138)  

Beige and yellow are a perfect combination because these two colors can make a room look simple yet sophisticated. Remember, yellow is an uplifting color, and it can add brightness to a dull room without going overboard.

As such, when this color combination is used in a living room, it creates a homey and inviting atmosphere. Aside from that, beige and yellow are also great colors you can use as a motif for a bedroom and dining area.

To pair safely with yellow, you can use some light tone of grays like agreeable gray, a warm light gray paint color, on the walls, ceiling, or furniture.

Red + Beige

Red and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Red #d3051a cmyk(0%, 98%, 88%, 17%) rgb(211, 5, 26)  

Beige and red are a daring combination, and only a few people will pair these two colors. Even so, this color combination results in an inviting atmosphere. In fact, red can bring brightness and life to a dull room. Plus, it makes a room look elegant and timeless.

When pairing beige with red, it is best to pick a medium beige shade on the color palette like olive beige, shaker beige, Kilim beige, or any beige shade with orange, tan, and pink undertones. You can also place decorations with gold tinctures to add a little bit of luxury to the interior.

Black + Beige

Black and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Black #000000 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) rgb(0, 0, 0)  

Beige is an excellent alternative to white because it creates a warm and airy atmosphere. When paired with black, this combination results in a sophisticated yet inviting environment.

Beige and black can will make a room look timeless and elegant, especially when the right decorations are placed. As such, this color combination can be used in various rooms, including bedrooms, a kitchen, and a dining area.

A beige and black combination on the exterior makes the home front look really elegant. See the photo below. This is a good color combination among beige siding, gray roofs, white trim, and black shutters.

Tan House and Black Shutters

Black can be paired with any shade of beige. However, to achieve a flawless look, it is best to pair black with cool and medium shades of beige paint color.

Navy Blue + Beige

Navy Blue and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Navy Blue #02203a cmyk(97%, 45%, 0%, 77%) rgb(2, 32, 58)  

If you don’t want to use bold and bright colors, you can use navy blue instead. As you know, beige and navy blue are classic colors.

When paired together, the combination creates an elegant yet cozy atmosphere. Remember, these two shades work well together because they are both neutral colors, but they can add color and life to a room.

A great way to use this color combination is by pairing a navy blue accent wall with a beige wall. By doing this, you can add a pop of color to the room.

Gold + Beige

Gold and Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Gold #e8d49f cmyk(0%, 9%, 31%, 9%) rgb(232, 212, 159)  

Beige is the perfect background for your gold decorations. Keep in mind that gold can add a little bit of style and luxury to a beige background.

By doing this, you can turn a dull room into an elegant yet comfortable environment. Additionally, placing gold decorations, like a vase and picture frames on a piece of beige furniture in a beige-colored room will make the room look more appealing and stylish. See the example in the photo above.

Bright Blue and Orange + Beige

Bright Blue and Orange + Beige

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Beige #d1c5b7 cmyk(0%, 6%, 12%, 18%) rgb(209, 197, 183)  
Bright Blue #8fb7ba cmyk(23%, 2%, 0%, 27%) rgb(143, 183, 186)  
Orange #c87b3a cmyk(0%, 38%, 71%, 22%) rgb(200, 123, 58)  

Pairing more than two colors can be risky. Remember, the shades that you will use should blend well together to create an aesthetically pleasing environment.

If you want to play with colors, you can pair a beige color with orange and bright blue. As mentioned, the pairing of beige and blue produces a coastal look or a beach vibe. When orange is added, the bold color brings a lot of personality into the room. Plus, this color combination creates a cozy atmosphere.

Monochrome + Beige

Monochrome and Beige

Monochrome is hard to pull off; however, beige is one of the few colors that you can use too much and still look great.

In fact, by using different shades of beige, you can create a simple yet cozy environment. Plus, it can make a small room look spacious. But, you have to keep in mind that monochrome works well if you use cool and warm shades of beige.