10 Inspiring Colors that Go with Yellow

Aside from being a versatile shade, yellow is also a cheerful color that can bring energy to any room. Plus, it can also brighten and lift the mood of your living room, bedroom, kitchen, or any room in your home.

The trick is to pair yellow with a color that will complement its positive vibes. That way, you can create a room that is cohesive and pleasant to the eyes. So, what are the colors that go with yellow?



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
White #ffffff cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) rgb(0, 0, 0)  

As you know, white is often used to give a room a clean and airy appearance. However, a pure white room may look dull and quiet. Adding a dash of yellow to the room is a great way to enhance the appearance of the room.

Remember, the color yellow can bring life and energy into a white room, making it look clean and bright. Additionally, yellow can also add positivity to your room. As a result, your room will look warm and inviting.

There are several ways to use the white and yellow color combination. If you have an all-white room, use yellow as an accent color. You can do this by putting on yellow throw pillows or curtains. By infusing a pop of color into a white room, you can make it warmer and inviting.

Hot Pink

Hot Pink

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Hot Pink #c74da5 cmyk(0%, 61%, 17%, 22%) rgb(199, 77, 165)  

Another great color that can be paired with yellow is hot pink. As you know, hot pink is a bold shade that radiates femininity. As such, this color combination is best suited for a girl’s bedroom. By pairing the two colors, you are not only adding sunshine into the room.

Remember, hot pink is a relaxing color. For this reason, this color combination will also result in a sweet and cozy room, perfect for your beautiful girl.

When using the color combination of hot pink and yellow, you have to be careful because this pair can often result in a garish-looking room. The trick is to choose the right shades of yellow and hot pink. That way, you can create a room that is balanced and pleasant to the eyes.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Brown #6b4a30 cmyk(0%, 31%, 55%, 58%) rgb(107, 74, 48)  

Yellow and brown are a great color combination. In fact, these two colors can be used if you want to create a cozy room. Remember, brown is the color of the earth, and it can bring us a feeling of confidence and security.

When paired with a bright and warm shade of yellow, the two colors radiate comfort and coziness. As such, this color combination is a great choice for bedrooms, living rooms, or any room that you want to be your comfort place.

Using the brown and yellow color combination is simple. For example, if you have yellow walls, you can place wooden furniture in your living room. Aside from that, you can also place yellow throw pillows on a brown sofa. By using this color combination, you are not only enhancing the appearance of the room. You are also making the room more serene and comfortable.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Black #000000 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) rgb(0, 0, 0)  

Black and yellow is a bold and classic color combination, and it often results in a stylish room. As you know, you can use black to create an elegant room.

However, black, on its own, is a bit gloomy; thus, using yellow as an accent color is a great way to add life to the room. Aside from that, black and yellow do not only make your room appear elegant and stylish. This color combination is also a great choice for any room with a modern or contemporary theme.

There are various ways to use black and yellow in your interior design. The most common way is to pair your black walls with yellow curtains or other accent pieces.

Always remember that you have to be smart when decorating your room with black and yellow. When properly done, the black shade will give your room an artistic look, while yellow will add a touch of color and life to the room.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Gray #868581 cmyk(0%, 1%, 4%, 47%) rgb(134, 133, 129)  

If you think that black and yellow is a bit bold for your home, you can opt for gray and yellow. This color combination is a great way to make your room look cheerful without making it look cartoonish. In fact, when light yellow is combined with gray, the result is a room that is calm yet stylish.

In general, the combination of yellow and gray results in a fresh and clean-looking room. Additionally, the bold shade of yellow can add elegance to the neutral shade of gray. As such, you can use this color combination for your kitchen or living room.

Keep in mind that using too much gray can make your room look dull and boring. For this reason, it is best to avoid making gray the dominant color. Remember, when decorating, balance is the key to success.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Blue #93b9cb cmyk(28%, 9%, 0%, 20%) rgb(147, 185, 203)  

As you know, blue can give your room a royal or majestic look. When paired with yellow, these two colors can result in a warm and cozy environment. To be specific, the blue shade makes the room inviting, while the yellow color makes your room warm and cheerful.

Yellow can be paired with various shades of blue. Typically, navy blue is preferred if you want to create a tranquil atmosphere. The reason is that this color can lower your blood pressure and heart rate.

Lighter shades of blue, on the other hand, are preferred if you want to make your room look more spacious. For this reason, light blue is a good choice for small or tight spaces. No matter what shade of blue you choose, pairing blue with yellow creates harmony, which results in a warm and inviting room.

Light Purple

Light Purple

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Light Purple #a67fe0 cmyk(26%, 43%, 0%, 12%) rgb(166, 127, 224)  

Another great color that combines well with yellow is light purple. As you know, purple is the color of luxury and royalty. In fact, it can make your room feel more expensive and luxurious. Unfortunately, purple is a dim and gloomy color. As such, you can add some life into the room by adding a touch of yellow.

Yellow is a great color combination with light purple because it does not only creates an elegant-looking room. This pair can also make your room feel relaxing. The reason is that purple can create a calm and refreshing atmosphere. Because of this effect, this color combination is a good choice for bedrooms.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Red #7a0700 cmyk(0%, 94%, 100%, 52%) rgb(122, 7, 0)  

Red and yellow are bold colors that you can pair to create a warm and dramatic room. In fact, this color combination is a great choice for traditional homes because of the warmness it provides.

When using red, you have to remember that this bold and powerful color can set various emotions. For this reason, you have to be careful when using this color.

Even so, red, when paired with yellow, can create a happy and calm environment. Additionally, a room with a lot of red can make your mood more passionate or romantic. As such, this color combination can be a good choice for a couple’s bedroom.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Green #a3b20c cmyk(8%, 0%, 93%, 30%) rgb(163, 178, 12)  

Green and yellow are another great color combination if you want to create a relaxing room. Remember, green is the color of nature, and it gives a room a fresh look. Yellow, on the other hand, is the color of the sun, and it makes the room feel warm and cheerful. As such, combining these two colors enhances the natural appeal of the room. Plus, this pair can also bring harmony, relaxation, and happiness.

To use this color combination, you can either use green as an accent color. Most homeowners prefer a lighter shade of green because it creates a calm and relaxing environment. Another great way to add green into the room is to place indoor plants. Aside from enhancing the appearance of your room, plants can also help purify the air.

Dark Yellow and Light Yellow

Dark Yellow and Light Yellow

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Yellow #fbe96b cmyk(0%, 7%, 57%, 2%) rgb(251, 233, 107)  
Dark Yellow #d6973f cmyk(0%, 29%, 71%, 16%) rgb(214, 151, 63)  

If yellow is your favorite color, you can also opt for a monochromatic design. You can do this by pairing dark yellow with lighter shades of yellow.

The result is a bright room filled with warmness and cheerfulness. You can also add visual interest into the room by adding a black-and-white lamp. By doing this, you can add contrast to the room, making it look more appealing.


All in all, these are the various colors that go well with yellow. As presented, you can pair yellow with neutral colors, like gray, black, white, and brown.

Aside from that, you can also pair yellow with other bold colors, such as red and hot pink. The reason is that yellow blends well with other colors, especially when you choose the right shade. As such, it is best to make sure that your furniture and other accessories will match the color scheme of the room.

Remember, colors can affect not only the appearance of the room but people’s moods as well. For this reason, it is recommended that you choose the appropriate color combination for your interior design.

By doing this, you can ensure that your room will have a cohesive look and a positive effect on your state of mind.