10 Excellent Colors that Go with Navy (with Pictures)

Navy is one of the darkest shades of blue, and as such, is a primary color. Blue is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body, which can make navy a good color choice in the bedroom; however, navy is also a color that is associated with law enforcement and the Navy, which means it is also associated with authority and power and can be used to convey dominance or superiority.

Navy is also a color that is heavily tied to nautical and beach themes, so it is commonly used in coastal-style interior decor.

If you are interested in using navy in your home’s color scheme, consider these color pairings we have listed as inspiration for some of the best combinations of colors that go with navy.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
White #ffffff cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) rgb(255, 255, 255)  

White and navy are a classic color combination that is commonly used together in striped fabric for nautical-themed curtains. The contrast between the dark shade of navy and the light shade of white makes for a bold effect that is easier on the eye than monochrome and gives off a more informal feel. White and navy are obvious color pairings if you want to achieve a coastal or nautical look.

To achieve an elegant look, use large swathes of navy such as navy walls or navy bed linen, with small splashes of white, for instance, a white lampshade or white picture frame. Team this with lots of rich dark wood features, for example, a grand desk or hardwood walnut flooring.

White and navy can also be used to achieve a more relaxed beachy feel in a room; to do this, simply use more white in the space, such as white walls, white sofas, and white curtains.

Bring in the coastal vibe with navy cushions or other small navy decor items like candles, wall hooks, or vases. The open and airy feel achieved by using predominantly white will create a casual coastal atmosphere, and the navy accents will reinforce the nautical element of the design.

You can also successfully use navy and white as a color scheme without making hints at a nautical theme. To do this, choose luxurious fabrics and finishes that you would not associate with the beach, such as a navy velvet armchair or white faux fur cushions.


Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Red #8a222d cmyk(0%, 75%, 67%, 46%) rgb(138, 34, 45)  

Red is a contrasting and complementary color to blue, and it works especially well with navy, more so than almost any other shade of blue.

Red is a warm and bold color, while the navy is cool and understated. Bright poppy red works well with navy, and this color pair looks particularly good when used alongside white, creating an Americana theme in a room. Use these colors with traditional fabrics such as tartan and striped cotton.

Deeper shades of red like maroon can look both classic and moody to create a more intimate atmosphere. These colors, when used together, can create a cozy and warm environment, making them a nice choice in a snug room or for interior design in a ski chalet or woodland lodge.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Pink #dbb4b5 cmyk(0%, 18%, 17%, 14%) rgb(219, 180, 181)  

Pink is an interesting color to put with navy because it adds a feminine edge which can make navy look simultaneously smart and luxurious. For an elegant look, choose a dusky shade of pink with navy and use sumptuous textures such as velvet or silk.

You can also use pink with navy to achieve a more classic look, with pale pink used to balance out the strong tones in navy. For this, use more simple textures and add a neutral color into the mix to even out the color palette.

Light brown or dark beige is a good choice in this scenario, so consider a tan leather accent chair or light brown wood flooring to prevent the navy and pink from becoming too intense.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Orange #f28c42 cmyk(0%, 42%, 73%, 5%) rgb(242, 140, 66)  

Orange is the opposite color to blue on the color wheel, so we know that any shade of orange will be complimentary to navy. Bold carrot orange will add a fresh zing to dark navy and make a room feel more youthful or playful. The blue and orange color combinations would work well in a student or young professional’s apartment or a teenager’s bedroom, as it sits somewhere between serious and fun.

Other shades of orange which would look lovely with navy are apricot and coral. Apricot is a softer shade of orange that has hints of yellow in it. This is a warm color that feels sweet and cute when used in interior decor. This vibe can be nicely balanced out by navy, which has a distinctly more formal appeal.

Coral is another shade of orange that is more subtle than brighter orange colors and has hints of pink. As a warm color, it contrasts nicely against navy and also helps to balance out the calming energy of blue by bringing the energizing energy of orange. For a more grown-up look in your home, use burnt orange with navy to create a cozy and comfortable feel.

Mustard Yellow

Mustard Yellow

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Mustard Yellow #e5bb3f cmyk(0%, 18%, 72%, 10%) rgb(229, 187, 63)  

Yellow and blue are a traditional color pairing that can look somewhat outdated when used in interior design. A more modern take on this is navy blue and mustard yellow, which give a more luxurious and contemporary effect.

Blue is among the best colors that go with mustard yellow. For a room that is predominantly navy, accents of mustard yellow in richly textured fabrics such as chunky wool knitted throws and chenille cushions. Mustard is a heavily saturated warm shade that adds both depth and warmth to navy and is ideal for a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Gray #8b8485 cmyk(0%, 5%, 4%, 45%) rgb(139, 132, 133)  

If you want to use gray with navy, then choose a pale to medium shade of gray to ensure some differentiation and contrast between the two colors. If you were to opt for a dark shade of gray, it can blend into the navy and make a room feel flat and the same. Gray and navy can be used along for a moody vibe or add accents in another color to elevate the look, such as emerald green, pale pink, or gold.

As gray and navy are typically both cool-toned colors, you might feel that a room just using these shades makes for a cold and uninviting feel. To counteract this, find a warm shade of gray, which has hints of brown in it, or select a greige color which is a cross between gray and beige.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Green #84c3b8 cmyk(32%, 0%, 6%, 24%) rgb(132, 195, 184)  

Green is a color that brings vibrance, vitality, and refreshing energy to a room. There are so many different shades of green that can look stunning with navy, and the type of green you choose will have a big impact on the resulting feel of the space.

You can achieve a fresh look in a room by using touches of lime green with navy, for instance, patterned cushions which feature elements of lime or houseplants with neon lime-colored leaves.

You can also achieve a more relaxed and subdued feel in a room by using olive green or mossy shades of green which hint toward a more natural and laidback vibe. For an elegant or luxurious decor, choose a rich emerald green tone to use with navy.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Brown #a77547 cmyk(0%, 30%, 57%, 35%) rgb(167, 117, 71)  

Navy is a cool color that can be balanced out really nicely by the rich and warm tones found in brown. Some people find brown to be a dull color, but when you introduce it into a space in the form of brown wooden furniture or flooring, it actually adds a lot of character and a natural appeal to the room.

Choosing furniture upholstered in brown leather or faux leather is another way to add brown to a room which will also add texture and warmth.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Beige #e9d0ae cmyk(0%, 11%, 25%, 9%) rgb(233, 208, 174)  

Beige is a warm neutral, which will make a nice background color for navy furniture or a navy feature wall. Beige is a really versatile color because it can be used in almost any interior decor style and will not dictate a style of its own because it lacks personality.

You can use this to your advantage, ensuring that other elements in the room define the style. Use sleek beige sofas for a minimalist look or rustic beige clay pots for a more natural vibe. Beige can even look elegant and luxurious in the right setting or modern and sophisticated.



Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Navy #2f4273 cmyk(59%, 43%, 0%, 55%) rgb(47, 66, 115)  
Gold #c6bb8e cmyk(0%, 6%, 28%, 22%) rgb(198, 187, 142)  

Undoubtedly the best metal to use with navy decor is gold because it has yellow undertones which contrast against blue and bring warmth to the cool tones of navy. Use gold in large proportions for a boudoir style, or add subtle hints of gold for a more classy look.

Ways to add gold to a room can include choosing bar stools with gold legs, table lamps with gold bases, gold-framed mirrors, gold candles, cushions in shimmery gold fabric, or wall shelves with gold brackets.

Glossy gold finishes will ensure a navy room looks decadent, while matte gold will look contemporary and understated. You could also choose brushed gold or brass to veer towards a more rustic or casual style.