What Are the Floor Lamp Sizes?

Lighting is an often overlooked component of interior design that can completely change the atmosphere and ambiance in a room.

The size of a floor lamp is something that will impact the balance of lighting in a space, as well as the overall style and aesthetic. Floor lamps come in a range of sizes and can be paired with lampshades in varying dimensions.

Floor lamp sizes

This post looks at the most common floor lamp sizes and what you’ll need to consider when choosing the best floor lamp for your home.

How to Choose the Size of Floor Lamp

How to Choose the Size of Floor Lamp

Choosing a floor lamp involves more than just considering the style, shape, and color of the lamp. While it’s important to find a lamp that works with your home decor, the size is going to have a great impact on both the aesthetic and the function of the lamp.

Room Proportions

Before you start browsing through various floor lamp options, take a moment to assess the proportions of the room where you intend to place the lamp. Larger rooms with high ceilings can accommodate taller and more substantial floor lamps, while smaller rooms may require more petite and streamlined designs to avoid overwhelming the space. A good rule of thumb is to choose a lamp that stands about 1 to 1.5 times the height of the tallest person in the room.

Purpose and Functionality

Consider the primary purpose of the floor lamp, as this will affect the ideal height of the lamp. Are you looking for task lighting in a home office, ambient lighting in a dining room, or reading light in a bedroom? The purpose of the lamp will influence the size and design you choose.

For instance, if you need a floor lamp for reading or working, you’ll want a lamp with a focused light source that is positioned at an appropriate height for comfortable illumination. A floor lamp with a height of 60 to 70 inches is generally recommended for task lighting.

On the other hand, if you’re aiming to create ambient lighting or showcase a piece of furniture, a taller and more decorative floor lamp may be ideal. In this case, a taller lamp with a height of 65 to 75 inches can help distribute light evenly throughout the room.

Lampshade Size

The size of the lampshade also plays a significant role in determining the overall dimensions of the floor lamp. A larger lampshade, usually measuring between 18 and 22 inches in diameter, will diffuse light over a wider area, making it suitable for ambient lighting.

Smaller lampshades, on the other hand, will typically measure between 12 and 16 inches in diameter and create more focused and direct lighting, which is perfect for task lighting. Ensure that the lampshade’s proportions are balanced with the lamp’s base and the room it’s placed in.


Consider where you plan to place the floor lamp within the room. If it’s intended to be a statement piece or a focal point, a larger and more intricate design could be appropriate.

On the other hand, if you’re working with limited space or intend to place the lamp near furniture, you may opt for a more compact design that complements the surrounding elements without overpowering them.

Average Floor Lamp Size

The average floor lamp height typically falls within the range of 58 to 64 inches, though, of course, there are exceptions to this. This height range strikes a balance between providing adequate illumination and fitting well within most interior spaces. However, it’s important to note that floor lamp heights can vary based on design, purpose, and personal preference.

You can also find adjustable floor lamps that can be customized to a specific height depending on the room you’re using it in and the function you want it to fulfill. The functional use of a floor lamp is one of the main factors that will determine its ideal height.

Task Lighting

For floor lamps used primarily for tasks such as reading, crafting, or working, a height range of 60 to 70 inches will work well. This ensures that the light source is positioned at an appropriate height to illuminate the task without causing glare or discomfort.

The size of the lampshade should also be factored into the equation when selecting a floor lamp for task lighting. Smaller lampshades will create a more focused light which can help to improve vision in a particular area of the room, such as at a desk or over a reading chair.

Ambient Lighting

Ambient lighting can help to create a soft glow in a room, which lends itself to a more intimate or elegant atmosphere. Generally, floor lamps designed to create ambient lighting will be taller than floor lamps for task lighting.

Heights ranging from 65 to 75 inches can help distribute light more evenly across a space. The size of the lampshade is also an important factor; larger lampshades will appear more balanced on a taller floor lamp, and they also help to disperse gentle light across a wider area of the room.

Accent Lighting

When the purpose of a floor lamp is to serve as an accent piece, the height can vary based on the visual impact you want to achieve. Taller floor lamps of more than 70 inches in height can draw attention and become a focal point, while shorter floor lamps of less than 60 inches in height can subtly enhance the ambiance without dominating the space.

If you are trying to illuminate a particular feature in your room, such as a house plant or a piece of art hanging on the wall, then you’ll want to choose a floor lamp that works in conjunction with the height and size of the focal point. For example, choose a floor lamp that sits around 6 inches higher than your houseplant and set them next to each other for a dynamic pairing that will draw attention to the plant when the lamp is illuminated.